So I don't watch this show, or E! in general, but when flipping channels a week or so ago I caught a couple minutes of
Dr. 90210. In this particular episode, in addition to a blonde with a pretty much flawless body wanting butt implants (ugh), there was a 63-year-old man who was seeing the good doctor to fix his leaking penile implant. Oh, and he's a preacher. And since, because of the implant, he doesn't have sensation in the top of his penis, he can't orgasm, so he's doing this to please his wife (who, incidentally, seemed to think it wasn't really necessary).
So there are more disturbing things in that paragraph than I'd care to count, but I was almost more disturbed this afternoon at the Phoenix airport (where I was after visiting my dad and stepmom), when the man behind me in line to check bags looked almost EXACTLY like the penile implant preacher man. I'm pretty sure it wasn't (the woman with him didn't look like his wife who was interviewed on the show), but it was still damn creepy. Eww.
At 7:56 PM,
ThatBeeGirl said…
*twilight zone music*
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