I'm usually very proud that I attended my Alma mater, but reading this just made me cringe. Sad thing is, I think a similar incident happened when I went there. Nice, guys. Reeeeeeal nice.
holy crap. i'm still reeling from scu's radio advertisements, like we're some version of university of phoenix and need to advertise our academic programs. now this. it makes me sick, not only as an scu alum, but as a person who is half-mexican. absolutely sick. scu has an unfortunate reputation as a school with nothing but spoiled, rich, white kids. tell me what the fucking idiot students are doing to change that rep?
At 7:56 AM,
ThatBeeGirl said…
holy crap. i'm still reeling from scu's radio advertisements, like we're some version of university of phoenix and need to advertise our academic programs. now this. it makes me sick, not only as an scu alum, but as a person who is half-mexican. absolutely sick. scu has an unfortunate reputation as a school with nothing but spoiled, rich, white kids. tell me what the fucking idiot students are doing to change that rep?
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